Thursday 4 February 2016


Medical advances can help at specific stages of reproduction.
Fertilisation: In-vitro fertilisation is a procedure that involves joining the male and female reproductive cells outside the woman's body, in a laboratory. If fertilisation occurs, the zygote is placed inside the woman's uterus.

Birth: one of the problems which can occur during birth is the breech birth, doctors usually perform a Cesarean section. They extract the fetus through a small cut they open through the lower abdomen and the wall of the uterus, instead of through the mother's vagina.
Click on this photo to watch a video about Cesarean Section.
Pregnancy: during pregnancy specialist doctors check the mother and the fetus health. They analyse blood and urine samples to detect infections in the fetus. To detect problems (abnormalities) in the fetus, doctors analyse amniotic fluid extracted from the amniotic sac. This procedure is known as amniocentesis. They also use an ultrasound scan to check the developing organs and bones in the fetus and its growth as well.

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